7 Different types of images to use in your blogs for readers engagement

Most bloggers use many different types of images in their blogs. 

But there are some famous image types, that everyone should start using in your blog and articles to get more engagement from your readers.

Usually using different types of images in your blog post has more SEO benefits and attracts readers.

different types of images to use in blog post

There are many benefits for using images in blogs. Make sure that you are following the best practices of using images in the blog post.

Images are a kind of thing that gives some different perspectives and life to your blog content.

The images in your blogs support your blog posts and encourage the readers to read more information.

Visuals are one easy way of getting information, which our brain could usually process fast when compared to plain text. It is normally everyone heard that visuals always get more engagements.

When it comes to visuals, we can use many different types, but here in this blog post, we focused on images.

Our brain usually processes the visuals 60,000x quicker than the normal text.

visuals get attracted easily

Using different types of images, based on their particular occasion is more important. 

Using only the stock images also sometimes irritates your readers, so it is important to use different combinations of images to keep your readers more engaging.

In the early days, the images are just decorative types of things to use in your blogs. But nowadays, images are one of the important ways to convey information.

Why do you use different types of images in your blog posts?

  1. Images are good for SEO. If you start to optimize your blog images, then can drive more traffic from search engines. 

Always use the perfect types of images for your need and optimize for SEO, then you can get traffic from images search engines.

  1. If you are creating and using your different types of own images in the blogs frequently, then you will get many backlinks for using your images.

It is one of the important ways of improving your backlink strength.

A combination of different types of images makes a better blog outline.

  1. Interactive images get more social shares. Then your blog gets a free social promotion and social signals. The images perform better in social media. 

Articles included with images get 94% more views and a perfect product image gives higher conversion of sales. The posts with images get moreover 37% higher engagement when compared to text.

  1. Using different types of images helps to increase the user experience of the website.

The perfect designs show the quality of the product and the brand. The images with perfect data show your brand as an authority and knowledge.

9 different types of blog images

Screenshots images

It is one of the easy types of images to create for your blogs. Just taking the screenshots to show the information to the readers.

The screenshots for mostly suitable for how-to guides. Normally how-to guides are consist of a step-by-step procedure to create something.

Here screenshots are important and help your readers to take action. It is considered as an actionable image.

For example – take a blog post on how to create a website on blogger.com. This blog post usually consists of screenshots for creating websites.

The screenshots help the readers to take action. If you are an affiliate marketer, then screenshots help to describe a product and give higher conversions and help to improve content marketing.

Data-driven images

Data-driven images are types of images that hold any researched data and information.

It is one of the time-consuming types of images to create. Usually, these images contain any bar or pie charts and graphical representation.

For creating these types of images, you need to collect enough data to create data-driven images.

Once you have collected enough data to create graphs, software like imgflip helps you to create free different types of graphical images.

Look at the below one. It was a sample data-driven image created.

Sample types of image for blogs

These data-driven blog posts and time-consuming to create but, it gives you enough value for over a period of years.

These types of images are a great investment for your websites, it drives you more backlink.

Whenever anyone links your images, you will get backlinks. Mostly everyone likes to get the images with proper proven data.

So these types of images are always successful.

Royalty-free images

free stock images to use in your every type of blogs
Credits – Pexels

These are the types of images, which are free to use. There are many websites where you can get these types of images.

These are generic types of images to use in blog posts.

These are also called as stock images. You can get it on websites like pexels and pixabay

pexels - get different image types

These types of websites have images under many categories, so you can choose based on your needs.

Some websites say that you have to give credits to the creator for using the images.

So, whenever you are using the images from any website, then read their terms and conditions for the use of the images.

Sometimes when you are getting free images, it may be of low quality. If the image is low quality, please avoid it.

Using low-quality images will reduce the quality of the blog posts, so choose your blog images to be perfect.

Images with diagrams

These are different types of images, which explains any process with procedures.

These types of images are like flowcharts and tables.

You can use websites like OmniGraffle and smart draw to create easy explainer images and flow charts.

Flow chart image maker for blogs

These are also one of the easy types of images to create.


Infographics are lengthy forms of images and a visual information guide. 

These types of images contain more information when compared to a normal image.

Infographics is also one of the most powerful content marketing. It is also a time-consuming type of image, but you can also make infographics as separate blog posts.

It increases nowadays using visual images, and people also liked to learn through the visuals.

People who follow text and illustrations do 323% better than the people who don’t follow them.

visuals get more engagement

Infographics are an easy way to present stories to the readers. Sometimes if you want to give any particular information to readers, then infographics are one of the best types of images to create.

If you are making 10,000 words guide, how many of you going to read it fully. 

In these types of cases, placing small infographics in between the content creates better value.

Infographics are a powerful content marketing strategy.

Will you believe it.

Look at the interesting study from KISSmetrics infographics data. They have analyzed their 47 infographics. 

In just two years of time, it created 2,512,596 visitors and 41,142 backlinks from the 3,741 unique domains.

Without any link-building techniques and paid SEO, a huge number of backlinks are created. It is one of the powerful SEO strategies.

Quotes and memes images

These are types of images, which contain text overlays. 

Mostly these types of images are not used for any particular information, they give common pieces of information.

You also use quotes that related to your blog posts and headlines.

quotes types of image for articles - sample

You can use software like Canva to make your quotes faster.  The above image was made using canva in one minute.

It allows you to use more different font styles and designing control over the images.

Alternatively, you can also use imgflip for making your memes. You can create your own within a minute.

Use own images

It is a riskless thing to do. Using your own images for the blog posts is highly preferable.

If you have photography skills or having a decent camera and want to show your skills to the world, then it is an easy thing to do. 

It has another better advantage, which has no copyright issues.

Mostly the lifestyle bloggers give importance to using their own images.

If you are a lifestyle blogger, then here are some best lifestyle blogging ideas to write as your next blog post.

Mostly the personal, travel, and lifestyle bloggers are more attached to their audience, so they like to show their own photographs and faces to their audience.

These types of bloggers mostly reuse the same images for Pinterest too. It is one of the easy and high productivity processes.

Pinterest is one of the powerful visual search engines. It gives more value to own images users, which is fresh not seen before.

So you can also create your own images and use them in different areas as you need.

Your images will show your originality. Once you starting your own images, then you don’t need any graphic software to make images.

Own images help to show the expertness in that field.

Some other different types of images to use in blog posts

The above mentioned are popular and important types of images to use in articles. Some other types of images also you can use.

  1. Animated images – These types of images are like cartoons. These types of images help to show your creativity. These image types take more time to create.

An only a limited number of bloggers use these types of images. I’m also not more familiar with the animated images.

  1. Hand-drawn images – If you are good at drawing, then you can draw your own pictures to use in blogs. More illustration skills are needed to create these types of images.

You can use image scanning software on your mobile to scan your drawn picture and upload it as an image.

  1. Use Animated GIFs – It is a very small video-like image. Sometimes it may be an image that has small animated movements. 
Where do I get royalty-free images?

You can get royalty-free images on websites like pexels, Unsplash, and pixabay. Every time read their conditions before using it in blog posts.

Can I use other’s images in my blogs?

The straight answer is no. But there is some allowance where you can use it. When using images you need to get permission from creators or give credits to them.

How do I give the credits to the creator for using the images?

If you are using the images in a blog post, then below the image write the creator name and link their profile or website which they own.


Finally, to be frank, not everyone has the money to invest in photo editing software or hiring an editor.

Most times I used to go with the photos that I create in Softwares like Canva and sometimes with stock images.

These are the simple ways and don’t time and money consuming. 

But if you are making any bigger brand then, images speak more and more.

In that type of case, investing in the best software is the best idea. It is because brands create loyalty among your readers.

Images are one of the best ways to improve your website user experience

Moreover, if you are taking any images from the websites, read their conditions for using the image. If you don’t know their conditions, then don’t forget to give the credits to the creators.

You can use images in every type of blog post.

Many bloggers think that content is only about the normal text.

 But it is not. Images are also impactable content that everyone needs to start using it.

Always have the best practice of using the images in the blog post. Try different types of images in the blog posts.

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading this article. if you find it useful, kindly share it.

Do you use any other different types of images in your blog post? Comment below so that other readers also know it.

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